My Master diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes, an iconic book by Stephen W. Hawking. To me, science is a departure gate to the magical and exhilarating world. The world that is constantly depicted as inaccessible for the majority thanks to lack of visual awareness and often times written a in a very convoluted jargon. The main challange of this project was to break down the reluctance to the scientific subjects and present it as interesting and inspiring to the larger audience instead. With the use of contemporary illustration techniques I gave a shot to attract both youth and adults to the popular science. For the purpose of the illustrations I created unique textures using paper marbling (Ebru) technique.

Illustration & Design: Paulina Plizga
Supervisor: Błażej Ostoja Lniski
Made at the Graphic Design Department, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland.